A time to grow

Our youngest students are supported to develop their core learning skills in literacy and numeracy alongside opportunities to explore all other areas of the curriculum.


Our Junior School program provides a safe and nurturing environment for our youngest learners. We offer an engaging curriculum and exceptional teachers. We understand that the primary years are an important time of learning and exploration. We encourage every child in our care to develop his or her own talents and abilities across a wide range of interests. The extended curriculum, including incursions, excursions and camps (from Year 3) develops self-esteem and self-confidence.  We offer Out of School Hours Care (before and after school) to support our busy working parents. Our student leadership program enables our students to experience the empowerment and responsibility of leading others. Our well equip playgrounds provide opportunities for students to learn through play and enjoy time with their friends.




Literacy Charter

The key to learning success is for all learners to be confident readers.  From Prep to Year 2 we teach reading explicitly via the MULTILIT suite of direct instruction programs.  We also offer the Smart Spelling Program and Bright Paths writing approach.  Our teachers deliver all literacy programs in adherence with our Literacy Charter to ensure consistency across all stages of learning.  Our teachers plan for different rates and styles of learning and adapt their lessons to include multiple delivery methods.  Alongside establishing strong skills in literacy we also focus on providing comprehensive numeracy programs. The core learning areas of literacy and numeracy are complemented by a diverse range of subjects including integrated studies, digital technology, science, art, music, health/PE, Greek language and Orthodoxy.

A rigorous curriculum

Our Junior School teachers aim to develop confident, independent learners who are willing to ask questions and absorb new ideas.  Children enrolled at SJC learn to think critically and become  accomplished learners. We ensure that independent learning skills are nurtured in a safe, structured and flexible environment.

We offer Integrated Studies, Health and Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Orthodoxy (Christian Religious Studies), Modern Greek Language and Digital Technology. The foundation of our pastoral care program is to teach organisation, resilience, getting along, persistence and confidence through the You Can Do It approach.

House Activities

House activities are an important part of Junior School life. Each student is placed into one of the School’s four Houses: Plato. Pythagoras, Aesop or Olympia and remain in that House throughout their time at St John’s College. Students participate in a range of House activities and competitions including sports, arts, fundraising and public speaking. Houses are made up of students from all year levels so the House program is a great opportunity to interact and make friends with students across the whole school.


At St Johns’ College we believe that all students have the ability to lead, therefore all students are provided with opportunities to do so.  Year 6 students have the opportunity to become School Leaders who lead our whole school assembly as well as organise fundraising and observance activities.  Formal leadership coaching and training is offered.  Participating in leadership activities helps students to build confidence, self-esteem and character.

Years 3 to 6, students participate in a public speaking activities. This involves children writing and presenting on a variety of topics. Public Speaking builds each child’s confidence as they learn how to engage and address an audience and overcome the challenges of speaking to an audience. Students have the opportunity to present in front of their peers and the school community.

In their final years of primary school, students take part in leadership programs and are given solid foundation skills in leadership qualities. Students have the opportunity to take roles of responsibility including:

  • Junior School leaders
  • House captains
  • Photographers
  • News reporters
  • Student Representative Council (SRC)

Support & Enrichment

Specialised programs are available to cater for student learning needs. These programs occur within the classroom or in small withdrawal groups. Students are selected for these programs through a process of comprehensive assessment.


  • Literacy Support Programs
  • Mathematics Support Programs
  • EAL Programs


  • Literacy Enrichment – Years 3 to 6
  • Mathematics Enrichment – Year 4 to 6
  • Mathematics Olympiad – Year 5 and Year 6
  • GATEWAYS Programs – Year 1 to Year 6


St John’s College has a student wellbeing team that includes the Head of Junior School, our Learning Enhancement Coordinator, EAL teachers, learning support officers, the College chaplain and College psychologist.   Children need to feel safe and happy at school to engage in learning: learning engagement is the foundation of academic success.  Providing a learning environment that is positive, productive and secure, in which our school values are enacted everyday, makes our school a happy place for children to learn and grow.