Learning Enhancement
At St John’s College we understand that all students are different!
We cater for our diverse learners in the following ways:
- We identify specific learning needs and provide individual learning plans for students with additional educational needs as well as gifted students who need to be challenged in their learning.
- We assist our teachers to prepare differentiated lessons and implement a variety of teaching strategies to ensure they are providing effective teaching programs particularly in the areas of literacy and numeracy.
- We expertly provide EAL support to students who do not have English as a first language (EAL = English as an Additional Language).
- Our Learning Diversity and EAL teachers provides expert support and professional development for teachers and education support staff to support improved student achievement.
- We work collaboratively with other specialists, for example, speech pathologists, education psychologists and occupational therapists to coordinate services and promote a trans-disciplinary approach.
- We collaborate with outside organisations and participate in professional learning to ensure that our intervention programs align with the latest research.
School Reading Intervention Programs
At St John’s College we offer a range of ‘MULTI LIT’ programs to support students who need extra help learning to read. MULIT LIT stands for: Making Up Lost Time in Literacy. The MULTI LIT programs are informed by the findings of scientific research into how reading works and how it may best be taught. It also incorporates the recommendations of Australian national reports into effective reading instruction that emphasise the five key pillars of reading instruction, sometimes known as the ‘five big ideas’, namely: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University.
MiniLit Intervention Program (Years 1 – 3)
MiniLit stands for ‘Meeting Initial Needs In Literacy’ and is an early literacy intervention program. It is designed to be delivered 4 time a week, for one hour, to small groups of up to five students who have struggled to make adequate progress in learning to read. Research completed over the last five years has shown consistently that students make remarkable gains following MiniLit instruction. For children who are struggling to learn to read, intervening early is the best way to stop reading problems from becoming more established, and to bring students up to the level of their classmates before they fall too far behind.
MacqLit Intervention Program (Year 3 – High School)
MacqLit is an explicit and systematic reading intervention program for small groups of older low-progress readers that is delivered by teachers and learning support staff. MacqLit is designed for students who have difficulty accessing print. It provides a comprehensive sequence of lessons that includes all the key components necessary for effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. MacqLit is ideal for students who fall in the bottom 25% of a standardised reading test or curriculum-based measure, and who have particular difficulties in the area of word recognition. Each lesson is designed to be completed in one hour and is delivered four times a week.
It is hoped that with this intensive, explicit instruction, students will develop skills and strategies to be able to learn to read. We offer these programs because we understand that reading is the key to the curriculum and the learning success of every child. Capable readers also develop self-confidence as learners.
For more information click on the link: https://multilit.com/