At St John’s College Preston we ensure that independent learning skills are nurtured in a safe, structured and flexible environment. We provide a learning environment that is positive, productive and secure.
Our teachers plan for different rates and styles of learning as well as adapt their lessons to include multiple delivery methods. In an age of constant digital change, our staff complete regular formal and informal professional learning designed to increase their digital skills, capacities and knowledge.
The planning and development of curriculum by staff is driven by our students’ learning, with technology used to provide increased possibilities to deepen and develop students’ thinking. St John’s is one of the premier private high schools in Melbourne and it is here that your child will have the best start to their education and beyond.
From 2018 St John’s College has used Edrolo. Edrolo is an online resources platform for VCE students, that provides students with online video lessons to supplement and support classroom teaching. Lessons contain interactive questions throughout, providing students with instant feedback, and teachers with live data with regards to how their students are progressing. In addition to lessons, Edrolo incorporates formative assessment as well as practice exams. Formative assessment tasks can be used throughout the year so that students also gain insights into their own strengths and weaknesses, so they can make sure their study and revision time is as effective as possible.
Our College has invested in a learning management system called SEQTA. SEQTA brings teachers, students, parents and administrators together within a rich, collaborative environment where everyone gains value.
SEQTA Learn ensures that students may learn anytime, anywhere and have access to lesson resources, homework, assessments and feedback. Students may revisit lesson content, upload assessment items and monitor their feedback when required. This empowers students at St John’s College to know what is expected of them, revise and reflect on the content covered in class as well as organise upcoming classwork and assessment.
In the Primary School, we ask that all students complete daily home reading. In addition, students may be required to complete work to reinforce key concepts taught in class. In the Secondary School students must review course content to ensure they keep abreast of classes.
At St John’s we believe that if parents are involved in their children’s education we can all work together in partnership. Parents access a Parent Portal of our learning management system, SEQTA where they obtain real-time information about their child’s learning. They can view homework, lesson objectives and resources as well as assessments and feedback personalised for their child(ren). We encourage parents to support their children by accessing their timetable and seeing what subjects they have on a daily basis to help develop organisation skills. When parents have this information at their fingertips they may have meaningful conversations with their children about their learning which will add value to their children’s learning journey.
In an age of constant digital change, our staff complete regular formal and informal professional learning designed to increase their digital skills, capacities and knowledge. The planning and development of curriculum by staff is driven by our students’ learning, with technology being used to provide increased possibilities to deepen and develop the thinking and understandings of students.
St John’s College has offered Edrolo; an online resources platform for VCE students. Edrole provides students with online video lessons to supplement and support classroom teaching. Lessons contain interactive questions throughout, providing students with instant feedback, and teachers with live data with regards to how their students are progressing. In addition to lessons Edrolo incorporates formative assessment as well as practice exams. Formative assessment tasks can be used throughout the year so that students also gain insights into their own strengths and weaknesses, so they can make sure their study and revision time is as effective as possible.