General Excellence Scholarships are awarded to new well-rounded students who demonstrate a high level of academic performance and achievement in two or more of the following; sport, music, the Arts (Performing Arts and/or Visual Arts), leadership and community service.
Our scholarships have been established to acknowledge and foster the development of students with special talents and to encourage their contributions within the school and wider community.
To be eligible for a General Excellence Scholarship, applicants must be:
$50 application fee to accompany each application
The value of each scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal. The scholarship value ranges as a percentage dependent on the strength of the application. The scholarship is a percentage of the College Tuition Fees and excludes uniforms, books and other excluded items listed in the Annual Fee Schedule.
Successful applicants will be notified by the Principal in writing and scholarships must be accepted within the stipulated time. The school’s decision is final and no subsequent discussion will be entered into.
New families to the College will be required to complete an Online Enrolment Application Form and to pay $1,000 non-refundable fee at the time of enrolment. This amount is deducted from the Annual College Fees for the year of enrolment.
The College offers General Excellence Scholarships to students on the condition that they maintain the expected levels of performance and the student completes their secondary education at St John’s College. If a student leaves the school prior to completing Year 12, his/her parents will be required to repay the value of the Scholarship expended. At the discretion of the Principal, this condition might not apply in the case of the family having to relocate outside Melbourne.