Parents’ Association
Parent volunteers play a vital role in the ongoing development and success of St John’s College.
Our families provide a vibrant support base for the school community. Parents show their children the importance of participating in and contributing to the wider community by actively interacting with teachers and one another. Our parents support our goal to build strong, mutually beneficial home/school partnerships.
All parents, grandparents and guardians are invited to become active members of the Parents’ Association (PA). The main aims and objectives of the PA are:
- To foster fellowship and goodwill amongst parents and other members of the College community.
- To encourage active participation of parents, grandparents and guardians in all aspects of College life.
- To undertake projects that will benefit the College and the education and development of the college students.
- To receive and generate funds that will support the College and its students.
- To assist the College Principal and school Leadership Team to review policies and procedures as required.
The PA meets twice a term on Tuesday evenings; meetings starting at 6.30pm. Examples of recent PA events include:
- New Year Twilight Picnic
- Annual Dinner Dance
- Mother’s and Father’s Day stall
- Working Bees
- Easter fundraiser
- Primary School Disco Night
- School Fete
Funds raised by the PA have supported our Creative Arts program, refurbished the Secondary School student lounge and the improvement of our sports facilities.
If you would like to participate in the PA please contact us at